Trash Pick-up
The Anne Arundel County Bureau of Waste Management Services is responsible for collecting recycling, yard waste and trash from over 167,000 curbside customers. The Bureau also is responsible for the operation of the Millersville Landfill and the County's Recycling centers.
Everything you need to know about their operations can be found on their website at:
There is information on that website about:
- Curbside Collection
- Recycling
- Landfill
- Recycling Centers
- Reduce and Reuse
- Yard Waste
Every Tuesday we get three trucks removing these items from our alleyways.
We ask residents to keep their trash cans lids closed tight or if plastic bags are used to keep them tied tight so loose trash does not get blown down the street; yes some people do not understand this basic concept! Also trash should be put out the evening prior to scheduled removal, It should not be left out days prior to pickup.
Large metal bulk items such as broken dishwasher can be picked up for free, just call 410-222-6100 ext. 0 and make an appointment.
Pick-up days can change for holidays, see link below:
Customer Care Service Representatives at (410) 222-6100 weekdays, between 7:30am and 4:00pm